Dental Surgery in Warsaw

It sometimes happens that in order to maintain a healthy and beautiful smile it is necessary to conduct various kinds of procedures, both on hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity. This is the task of dental surgery.

The most common procedures include e.g. extraction, or removal of teeth, both primary and secondary, extraction of impacted teeth, and little invasive procedure preparing the patient for prosthodontic or implantation treatment.

Indications for surgical treatment in the oral cavity are highly varied and include e.g. orthodontic problems and dental tissue diseases whose conservative treatment is not possible. Then, surgical intervention in the root area often prevents tooth extraction and the necessity to complete the dentition.

Dental surgery is usually a source of substantial fear among patients. This is no surprise. Surgical treatment in the oral cavity and the convalescence period is not after all the most pleasant experience. The duration of the procedure itself depends among other things on the scope of the procedure, and also on potential difficulties resulting from e.g. difficult access to the tooth of interest. It must be emphasised, however, that the whole procedure is performed under an adequately selected anaesthesia, while professional preparation and care after the surgical intervention ensure the highest possible comfort of the patient at every stage of treatment.